About Neuro Care Center

Neuro Care Center is nationally and regionally recognized for excellence in many specialties and subspecialties. Our Center of Excellence brings together the top experts in a variety of fields, combined with the support of extensive services, to focus on a common vision.

As a first-of-its-kind hospital, Neuro Care Center pioneered a mission to serve people who have disabilities and highly complex conditions. Our mission and care principles infuse everything we do—from providing top-notch specialty care to training the next generation of medical and surgical specialists.

Our Mission

To provide specialized health care for people who have short-term or long-term disabilities that began during childhood. We help children, adults and their families improve their health, achieve greater well-being, and enjoy life.


Our vision

We recognize that each family and caregiver is unique and is a constant in a patient’s life. We support families and caregivers in helping patients achieve their highest potential.